Crystal Healings

Crystals are living entities that have the ability to enhance our energy in a gentle (yet powerful) way!

They work directly with the mineral structure of the body

& hold energy as a form or “grid” of light

to create greater order / structure, harmony & balance!

I offer 3 different healing sessions with crystals:

  1. Crystal Healing
  2. Magickal Healing Rites with Crystals
  3. Crystal Readings

These sessions can be done once each, or multiple times to work on different issues.

Crystal Healing Session

A gentle, soothing modality to bring Light into the following areas . . .

  • Emotional issues

  • Mind – mental clarity, thought patterns, connecting to universal consciousness

  • Physical issues

  • Time – time management, manifestation, jet lag

  • Internal Flow – fear, anxiety, circulation, constipation

  • Spatial Imbalance or Split Personality – feeling fragmented or lost in different dimensions, ungrounded, disconnected from physical reality

  • Libido – passion for life, sexual issues

  • Empowerment

We can work on 1-2 of these “areas” at a time during a session.

What happens during a Crystal Healing session?

I’ll choose specific crystals to work with, depending on what issues you’re struggling with.

I place crystals on or near your body. I “activate” the crystals with a Magickal chant & use my hands to sending Light through the crystals into you.

You stay lying down for 15-20 mins to allow the crystals work on your energy structure.

Crystal Healing session: in person, 1.5 hour session

Magickal Healing Rites with Crystals

A powerful tool for working on one of the following:

  • Healing old wounds* – mental, emotional, spiritual / energetic. These could be from childhood or many ago, including wounds or traumas that you don’t remember.

  • Healing new wounds* – mental, emotional, spiritual / energetic. These are more recent wounds, in the past month up through several years back.

  • Attracting good fortune

We can work on 1-2 of these “areas” at a time during a session.

*NOTE: this modality is NOT for healing physical wounds, although it may assist with that.

What happens during a Crystal Magickal Healing Rites session?

I’ll ask you some questions to help you pick an area you want to focus on (healing Old Wounds, healing New Wounds, or Good Fortune).

You’ll sit down, & I’ll place a crystal in one of your hands.

I hold the other crystal in my hands & perform the Magickal Rites by chanting an ancient text from Middle Earth.

You sit & receive through the crystal in your hand & the vibrations of sound.

After I’m done chanting, I’ll give you some time to rest / integrate.

Magickal Healing Rites session: in person, 1.5 hour session

Crystal Reading

This session uses crystals to bring down wisdom & insights from the spiritual realm (the Akashic Zone).

You can use this session to . . .

  • Read the Past – to gain insights & clarity around past issues

  • Read the Future – to gain insights & clarity around what’s coming up in the future

What happens during a Crystal Reading session?

You’ll pick which area you want to do the reading for – Past or Future.

Then you’ll sit down & I’ll place a crystal in your hand.

I’ll hold the other “paired” crystal.

We’ll start with your primary question, and I’ll “listen” to the crystal to communicate any spiritual insights with you.

You can ask follow-up questions or ask for clarification as we go.

At the end, I’ll give you some time to rest & integrate.

Crystal Reading session: in person, 1.5 hour session